
As a kid I was always in my backyard playing in the sandbox or running around swinging sticks through the air. In my adolescent imagination I was hunting bandits across the desert and clashing swords with hordes of goblins. As an adult, not much has changed! Nowadays though, you can find me conceptualizing shots through storyboards or on a film set seeing my imagination come to life.

I began college with the notion that being a filmmaker seemed impossible. It was so far outside of the realm of possibility that it wasn't even on my radar. But while taking a film production class as an elective, I set up my first camera and I was hooked. I decided then and there that it didn't matter what it took, I was going to be a full time director of photography. Since then, it's been my goal to learn everything I can about cameras, lighting and storytelling.

After graduating college with a degree in film production I spent a year as a video journalist. It struck me how I connected most with the simplest stories. From 2018-2020, I enjoyed life as a full-time videographer with Glasser Images where I was afforded the opportunity to shoot commercial campaigns, documentaries, music videos, and short films with some of my closest friends.

When I'm not filming, I love to play videogames, climb rocks, snowboard (when I can find snow), and spin yarns with friends. Life is a wild experience and I want to enjoy every moment. If you are looking for me on set, find me with the grips quoting Youtube videos.

Film is our language. Cinematography is my dialect. Let's chat!

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Photo Credit: Jenna Kluting